How the Best Patient Engagement Software Solutions Grab Your Client’s Attention (Without Spam) 

To attract repeat clients, must to remind them about the great service they’ve received. Too many clients are one-and-done — even if you have all their records in your EMR, they might not remember you the same way you remember them.

Patient engagement software provides a way to combine your marketing efforts with your EMR solution, which makes it easier to keep both sets of records and reach out to your previous clients. 

The software can help in several different ways, through several different channels. No matter what solution you use, they all rely on a great combination of EMR solutions and effective use of the best patient engagement software

Client Categorization 

An EMR keeps all your patients’ procedural information, contact information, and previous correspondence on file. All that information makes it easy to sort the clients into marketing categories. 

These categories can involve: 

  • Types of procedures clients underwent before 
  • Types of procedures clients might repeat or move on to in the future 
  • Demographic information like age, gender, race, and economic status 
  • Any other factor that determines which services clients are most likely to seek

Some systems that keep patient engagement software and EMR separate require hours upon hours of redundant data entry to maintain. That repetitive manual entry takes up too much time and energy. Mundane work like that increases the odds of human errors introduced by tired staff forced to work on a boring job. 

Instead, the best patient engagement software combines engagement options with your EMR database, so you only have to enter patient information once. Once you categorize your clients with nothing more than a few clicks, you can send information to the right recipients and keep it away from those who wouldn’t be interested. 

This combined EMR and marketing software can send information to clients in certain categories through some or all saved channels. For example, you can send a text and an email about a new sale on facial procedures to clients who have undergone liposuction once before. 

You type and enter the message and assign it to a category. The system identifies everyone in that category and accesses their contact information to send it right away. With patient engagement software like this, you can send information to dozens or hundreds of patients in minutes. 

If done by hand, this task would take hours and hours and might not be worth it at all. Patient engagement software multiplies your marketing return on investment and is well worth the setup involved. 

Types of Communications

When you reach out to your patients, you want to speak their language and contact them through their preferred mediums — and only their preferred mediums. Patient engagement software can expand your boundaries and reach more people through more mediums than you might expect. 

Best of all, you can do it with minimal effort from your team.

As already discussed, you can send information to the right people at the right time, but you can also stagger that information through different platforms. A great patient engagement software suite makes it easy to take advantage of all of these methods, rather than a select few.


Texts are a fast, easy, and convenient way to reach people. Almost everyone owns a mobile phone and a plan with unlimited texting. Texts are also unobtrusive — if the client has no interest in the service, then they can delete the message and move on with their day. 

Modern texts also arrive within seconds of sending and reach the client wherever they are. These messages have a chance to spark a conversation if the recipient has company, which might lead to an unintentional referral. 


Emails are almost as unobtrusive as text messages but much more variable and potent. Rather than just some text, a link, and maybe a picture, you can put all sorts of information into an email. 

From graphics to catch the eye, charts to provide information, and buttons to direct clients to the parts of your website you want them to visit (which saves them the trouble of website navigation), emails are the best when it comes to options and flexibility. 

It’s easy to check email, so patients find emails a convenient way to receive marketing communications. Emails are also easy to delete if the patient isn’t interested at the moment. 

Want an inside look at the PatientNow EMR?

Voice Messages 

Even pre-recorded messages give a greater sense of the human element and the personal touch than text mediums. Clients appreciate the sound of another person’s voice and love it even more if they hear the voice of someone they recognize who gave them great service at your clinic in the past. 

If they don’t want phone calls, then the software makes it easy to generate a no-call list so you can respect your clients’ wishes and reach them through other means. 

Social Media 

It might seem less personal, not more, to post information on the web for all to see rather than targeting specific clients. But this method gives clients the chance to engage with your clinic at their own pace and on their own time. 

Your clients on social media feel more comfortable because they have a greater sense of control, which in turn increases the odds that they’ll act on a call to action. Additionally, your number of social media followers gives you a great way to track patient engagement and the growth of your practice’s reputation. 

Physical Mail 

Last but not least, you can use software to track and send physical mail. “Snail mail” marketing has more value than it might seem, especially when it’s tailored to the customer rather than delivering a generic advertisement sent to the whole neighborhood. 

Single mailings filled with information that covers preferred procedures and coupons for relevant services make the customer feel good about the attention you paid to them.

The Measured Approach 

Modern EMR software also tracks everything you send out, which makes it easy to prevent spam. People hate to receive an overabundance of marketing information. When you can see the last time you sent someone information and what you sent out, you can stop and re-evaluate more easily. 

Request PatientNow’s Demo Today 

PatientNow provides a top-of-the-line EMR for med spas, plastic surgeries, and health & wellness clinics that makes it easy to keep your clients engaged and build a marketing front that converts.  

See how PatientNow can improve your practice’s vitals.

The industry’s only complete solution to managing all aspects of elective medical practices, built specifically for today’s modern medical landscape.
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TOPICS: Patient Engagement & Marketing

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